OPERATION THEATER Operation theater i.e. ot is a particular place where all surgeries including new born care unit takes place . It is a sterile area . OT compound is maintaining under ot technologist . It is a area including various type of OT and blood bank , ITU , ICU , PACU , doctors room , sisters room , technologist room , sisters room and a massive storage area for all instrument used in the OT . Advantages 1 Better ot allocation 2 Minimize infection 3 better maintenence TYPES OF OT 1 based of sterility 1 . ultra sterility ( CTVS , ITU ) 2 . Sterile and 3 septic ,( where all emergency surgery takes place ) 2 Based on construction . i.e modular which is construct during moder technologies and based ot ( which is a normal ot ) 3 Based on timing 1 scudule ot 2 emergency ot Zones in operation theater ...
Hii i am Gourab Das , Medical Technologist , Diploma in Operation Theater Technology , Intern College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital . Formar MTOT MSDMCH MTOT Professional Running this Blog to help others as we are not find any proper guide for our studies time . Hope all of you guys enjoying this blog . Study , Stay safe , Be harder I also run another blog and youtube channel please share and subscribe to help others.