THE PORTION IS TAKEN FROM WHO ARTICLE 1. Hand hygiene1 Summary technique: Hand washing (40–60 sec): wet hands and apply soap; rub all surfaces; rinse hands and dry thoroughly with a single use towel; use towel to turn off faucet. Hand rubbing (20–30 sec): apply enough product to cover all areas of the hands; rub hands until dry. Summary indications: Before and after any direct patient contact and between patients, whether or not gloves are worn. Immediately after gloves are removed. Before handling an invasive device. After touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, non-intact skin, and contaminated items, even if gloves are worn. During patient care, when moving from a contaminated to a clean body site of the patient. After contact with inanimate objects in the immediate vicinity of the patient. 2. Gloves Wear when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, mucous membranes, nonintact skin. Change between tasks and proced...
Hii i am Gourab Das , Medical Technologist , Diploma in Operation Theater Technology , Intern College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital . Formar MTOT MSDMCH MTOT Professional Running this Blog to help others as we are not find any proper guide for our studies time . Hope all of you guys enjoying this blog . Study , Stay safe , Be harder I also run another blog and youtube channel please share and subscribe to help others.