A case study of covid19 Since 2nd January 2020 we've already spent a long time with this pandemic . And the number of affected person reached 35 lacks+ all around the world till the date ,and more than 3 lacks people have already lost the war against the pandemic. India is also struggling with the pandemic . Here we get another stat against the pandemic. More than 1.4 billion people country have suffered with more than 3.5 lacks patients and 7500+ death . But the great news is the health care industry provides a good job with close to 50% recovery rate till date . But when the lockdown comes to an end the graph line turns towards the pick . And rise the number of affected person. And it is also notable that there is no community spread in the 1.4 billion country. what is the precaution untill the vacine came into the market ?? We've to used musk everywhere to get protection and washing hand properly in every 2 to 3 hours regularly ....
Hii i am Gourab Das , Medical Technologist , Diploma in Operation Theater Technology , Intern College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital . Formar MTOT MSDMCH MTOT Professional Running this Blog to help others as we are not find any proper guide for our studies time . Hope all of you guys enjoying this blog . Study , Stay safe , Be harder I also run another blog and youtube channel please share and subscribe to help others.