today we are discussing about trolly layout of gallblader operation . we all know it is the common operation among middle aged man and elder person . for that reason we have to manage this instrument trolly for many times . lets see what are the instrument used here . one very improtant thing that is the trolly must be sterile for the instrument should be kept there . first of all we need towel clip for fixing the towel . then we need bard parker handle and insicion blade then we use allise and artery ALLISE ARTERY Then we use diathermy that after morrise retractor morrise retractor and then deverse retractor hence we are like to use succesion to remove the blood and internal fluid then we use use special instrument f...
Hii i am Gourab Das , Medical Technologist , Diploma in Operation Theater Technology , Intern College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital . Formar MTOT MSDMCH MTOT Professional Running this Blog to help others as we are not find any proper guide for our studies time . Hope all of you guys enjoying this blog . Study , Stay safe , Be harder I also run another blog and youtube channel please share and subscribe to help others.